We strive to provide our customers, clients, and partners the best of the best.

We connect, curate, and create.

Products, solutions, and ideas around a network. That serves a purpose, by sourcing the best products, for your health and the planet.

We strive to connect with conscious companies and individuals that care about the land, innovation, and health. Using ingredients, that will benefit your body, your mind, and your soul. Utilizing our resources consciously, and providing equivalent value on our systems, both before and after consumption.

SumaqCo is the B2B facing Impact oriented consulting division of a much larger B2C Brand that is to be announced soon!

We are exploring the non-perishable and invisible beauty of the connection of the different components of business and community.

Thank you for being here. Let’s find out together what the next step is collectively. We are in this together.


- José María

Sumaq in the native Ecuadorian language of Quechua means "very good" or “the best of the best” and Co, company, when together forms what we always strive to be: the best of the best company.

A satisfied customer is the best business strategy of all.
— Michael LeBoeuf, Businessman and Author

Our Story


Connected by Ecuador and a passion for healthy living and eating, SumaqCo was founded in early 2018.


Single Origin Cacao plantation

Hacienda San Jose’s Plantation

Los Ríos, Ecuador